Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So tomorrow starts lent. Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about what I was going to give up. I believe that if you are going to give up something it should be something that is going to be hard for you and its not just to make you healthier. Same thing goes for if you are going to do something extra. I don't think saying that for lent I am going to go to the gym every day is really a sacrifice... I mean I know I should be going to the gym every day. So I have done lots of thinking...

I thought about chocolate ( I love chocolate all kinds) but I haven't been eating a lot of it lately so not really a sacrifice. I thought about other junk food, but again I don't eat enough of it to really say I should give it up. Then I thought about if there was something extra I could do every day. I couldn't think of anything creative to do there. So I thought some more what is something that I eat or drink everyday that would be hard for me to give up for lent. I thought.... and I thought some more... Diet Coke. I drink a lot of Diet Coke. Its my source of caffeine. I love it- the way it tastes, the bubbles, the sound the can makes when you open it up - everything I love everything about it. So I thought again there had to be something else that I had every day that I could give up. I found nothing. So with much hesitation I am giving up Diet Coke for lent. So as I sit here and write this I am drinking my last Diet Coke for the next 40 days. 

So I ask you all to pray for me that I make it through the next 40 days without any Diet Coke. This is going to be hard!!!! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Old Maid

Old Maid - A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying.

Since when is 26 beyond the conventional age for marrying?? Any ideas? I personally don't think that 26 is old. But according to my parents when they were my age they were already married and had a baby on the way. And Patrice where are you in your life?You don't even have a boy in your life right now. If I hear that one more time I will freak out. Now I know that my parents really are only looking out for my happiness - but I have never said I was unhappy where I am in my life. Did I think I would be married with a kid at this age when I was younger? Sure, but I'm not and that is ok. 

But beyond all this where do my parents expect me to meet a guy? I am pretty sure I am not going to meet the love of my life at a bar. I know that some people meet the loves of their lives on online dating sites but that isn't really for me. Oh and you are also supposed to meet people through your friends. Yeah, that doesn't work so well. So I tell this all to my parents and they go on to name friends of mine that they think I should go after. I have been friends with these people for YEARS! It's not going to happen. 

So what is a girl to do to get her parents off her back? 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am a follower...

So I have decided that I should be just like everyone else and start a blog. Unlike everyone else's blog mine is about nothing in particular. I'm not a newlywed - not even close to marriage for that matter. I am also not a new mom, but I am sure that you figured that one out. ;-) I am just a 26 year old trying to figure out what I am doing with my life. Text Color
So I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am working at a special ed school for autistic kids. I absolutely LOVE my job. I work with some of the best ladies in the world!! And the kids are pretty cute as well. I have an amazing family ( I know that everyone says this but mine is really amazing). My parents have been married for 30 years and haven shown me what love really is. I have two younger sisters. Erin is 24 and Jacquie is 17. They are two of the best sisters anyone could ever ask for. We always have a great time together. I also have a really cute Jack Russell Terrier named Reily. My friends are best. I don't get to see all of them as much as I would like to because they are all over the world! But when we do get together we have a really great time. 

A few of my loves in life:
  • SHOES - I have an obsession with shoes - its not good :-)
  • Getting my nails done
  • Margaritas
  • The Biggest Loser, Law and Order, ER and NCIS
  • Baking
  • Cooking
  • Laughing and making other people laugh
  • The spring and summer
  • Chocolate - dark, milk, white it doesn't matter I love it all!
Well I guess that is all for now, but don't worry I will be back to tell you
more about me later!
