Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am serious this time! I am really going to do this. I just wish that I lead a more exciting life LOL So lets see what has been going on. I seem to have more free time on my hands this summer. I think it is because the summer theatre program that I run for Middle Schoolers has been cancelled this year. That is rather upsetting ... but they didn't have enough people to join this year. Oh well. That just means I have my nights back! :-) I wish I could say that I have been filling them up with exciting events... but much to my dismay it hasn't been so exciting.

This weekend my sisters and I are dog sitting for friends of the family. Now we already have a Jack Russell Terrier, who is a lot of fun but crazy, so adding in another Terrier is always interesting! Well Max is sooo cute! He and Reily (my dog) get along really well and have lots of fun together. They have been going none stop all day. It has been really crazy but it is a lot of fun to watch them play. We can't walk the dogs at the same time because they will play instead of going out and doing their business. So we take them one at a time. Well when one of them leaves the house the other one starts to cry because their friend has left them! It is really cute. They won't leave each others side. I am not sure how they are going to deal tomorrow when we take Max home. But its great that they are little doggy friends!

That is really what has been going on here. I promise I will try to keep this up this time!!!

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