Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

Today I am very thankful for all the different experiences I have gone through in my life. Without them I would be a totally different person.

- If I hadn't moved around so many different times growing up I wouldn't have met all the wonderful people that I have.
- If I hadn't gone to an all girl high school I wouldn't have made some wonderful friends. I wouldn't be as confident in myself as I am. I think that going to an all girl school was the best thing for me.
- If I didn't go to DeSales for college I wouldn't of met the most amazing roomie ever! I also wouldn't have any of my super awesome friends. And who knows what I would be doing with my life.
- If I never worked in the corporate world I wouldn't know for sure that teaching is what I was meant to be doing.
- If I hadn't been in all the different schools that I was in I wouldn't know that all schools are the same and that the same BS goes on everywhere! LOL
- If I hadn't taken the chance to work in the school I am in now I wouldn't know how much I truly love working with special ed kids. And really feel as if it was my calling in life.

I am really thankful for all that I have been through... because I can't possibly imagine being a different person!

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