Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rain, Rain go away!

Haven't we had to deal with enough rain already this summer? Do we really have to deal with more??? Most of the time I don't mind too much that it is raining, but today I was not happy. Let me tell you why. I am on what we call bus crew at school. It's not nearly as cool as it sounds! ;-) I get to stand outside and make sure all 60 busses know where they are going and they have all their kids and whatnot. On sunny days its nice because I get to work on my tan while standing outside. But on rainy days its not so much fun. Today was REALLY not fun... it was raining so much today that my shoes got soaking wet. Not just wet, but makes the funny noises when you walk, wet!! I (stupidly) didn't bring another pair of shoes, so I had to deal with the soaking wet shoes all day. Not cool. That didn't make me very happy today. Soooo sad.

I am just hoping this rain stops soon!!

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