I really don't mean to complain, but I have a serious problem here. All I seem to attract in life are crazy people!!
I am getting really annoyed at this situation.
Let me back up a little bit. I have talked about how I have gone on Match. Well this one guy and I have been talking for a bit. Through email and texting, he seemed pretty normal. I thought, ok, this is going to be good. Well as we were texting some more, I had this odd feeling. A gut feeling if you will that something wasn't right. I kind of played it off as if I was just nervous about the whole thing. But deep down I knew it was something a little more.
So one day he said we should meet up. I figured why not, I would have a friend be in the same location, just incase. (Hey you never know) So we plan on a Friday. I told him I already had plans after work, but we could do something later in the day. He agrees. Great.
I didn't really hear from him the rest of the week. On Friday he texts me asking how it was going. Super. He then tells me that he plans to be in my area later - he has plans - but he still wants to meet up at some point. He will text me later that night and we can figure something out.
Excuse me?
I say go ahead. At this point I know that my gut feeling was right and that I shouldn't meet up with him. He texts me later, I say I am still out with my friends. He says no problem he is meeting up with people and maybe we can meet up later.
You have got to be kidding me...
He then texts me at 10 PM to let me know that he is still with his friends but he would leave them if I want to meet up. I don't. I tell him I with my friend (I was) and that she is having a problem and I am helping her out (she doesn't). He goes with it. I am thinking that we are not meeting up. At 10:30 he texts me. He wants to meet up. I tell him it's really late and I look like crap because I haven't gotten ready to meet up with him and that I don't think it is a good idea. He doesn't care. I try again to push it off. Its really late. I am tired. I don't think its a good idea.
11 PM he now starts calling me. He has never called me before. I don't answer. He keeps calling. Then I get three text messages about how we should meet up he is leaving his friends now. I am not meeting someone for the first time at 11:3o THANK YOU!
I get home and answer him saying it is really late and I don't think it is a good idea. He tells me that I stood him up. I tell him I didn't stand him up... he has plans with other people and he was trying to fit me in. You can't just fit me in. He goes off on me. I go off on him (all through text messages). I am not someone that you can just fit in places. We were going to meet up and he didn't want to make plans and I don't do that.
I think that I am so done with this guy. He will want nothing to do with me again. And I am SOOOOOOOOO ok with that.
I was wrong. The next night I get a text from him that says, "Thank you"
Now I can't figure out if he is being a jerk or being serious. So I fall for it. I say, "umm you are welcome. for what?" He says for the text from last night. And I am right, the NEXT time we meet up something will be planned out.
The next time... I don't think so. Not a chance. I didn't answer.
Today, I get a text from him. I have yet to answer. I really don't want too, but I feel like a jerk not answering. But I really don't want to deal with the crazy anymore.
I am so done.
If anyone out there knows any "normal" single guys let me know!!!
A single girl trying to figure out life, while wearing some really cute shoes! “It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special shoes!” - Carrie Bradshaw
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Opps I did it again!
Do you ever do something that you know you just shouldn't do? Something that is a lot of fun, but you know in the long run you are just going to get hurt?
I have... and I am doing it again.
With the same person.
I know that hanging out with this guy is going to get me now where. We have a lot of fun when we hang out, but I know that is all it is. I know that nothing is ever going to come from this. I know that I might develop feelings for this guy, and that it won't be good. I know that we should just be friends and keep it at that.
Maybe if he wasn't so charming. Maybe if he wasn't so funny. Maybe if he wasn't so much fun to be around. Maybe if he wasn't so gosh darn cute. Maybe it would be a lot easier to say no. Maybe, just maybe.
But, sometimes doing something that I know I shouldn't is just SO MUCH FUN!
I have... and I am doing it again.
With the same person.
I know that hanging out with this guy is going to get me now where. We have a lot of fun when we hang out, but I know that is all it is. I know that nothing is ever going to come from this. I know that I might develop feelings for this guy, and that it won't be good. I know that we should just be friends and keep it at that.
Maybe if he wasn't so charming. Maybe if he wasn't so funny. Maybe if he wasn't so much fun to be around. Maybe if he wasn't so gosh darn cute. Maybe it would be a lot easier to say no. Maybe, just maybe.
But, sometimes doing something that I know I shouldn't is just SO MUCH FUN!
Friday, September 16, 2011
I HATE that word! I have never liked that word, but since I have been working with special needs kids, I have a whole new hatred for that word. I cringe when people say it.
A friend of mine just posted this video on Facebook. I cried while watching it. I think it expresses everything I feel about this word. Please watch it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Did he really just say that?
So as you know I am trying out Match. Ha Ha Ha Ha.
So I am texting with this one guy. We have never met. I repeat we have never met. This is what I get in a text message yesterday.
"Come see me now lol i need your touch"
"Since you can bake you have some touch lol"
Really? Who says that? I am not having that conversation with someone I have never met before.
I am not looking for Prince Charming here, I am just looking for someone who is somewhat normal. Is that really too much to ask for?
Ugh, this is getting frustrating...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Scares the shit out of me!
I think the whole process is incredibly awkward. You meet someone - or in this case, you email and text someone - and then you have to spend sometime having dinner, or meeting somewhere and having a conversation. It's not all that simple though.
Do you know how many times I have to change my outfit so that I look just right. I don't want to look too slutty or too conservative. I don't want to look fat. I don't want wear something like I am going out to a club, or even something I would go out partying. It is not easy to find the perfect outfit.
Then I have to worry about my hair. Do I straighten it or do I keep it curly? If I leave it curly, what happens if it doesn't curl the right way? If I straighten it, what if it rains? I have to make sure it looks just right.
Do I wear my glasses or do I wear my contact? What kind of makeup do I put on? I don't want to wear too much, but I want to make it look like I am trying to look good.
What kind of shoes do I wear? Do I wear one of my favorite pairs of heels or do I wear flats?
Do you see why this is a problem?!?!
Then you go out to dinner and you sit there and think what do I eat? Do I eat something healthy or do I get something unhealthy? Do I get something that I could possibly make a huge mess out of? All this questioning and then I have to worry about if I have food in my teeth! Then what do I drink? Do I go with my typical Diet Coke? Do I order an alcoholic beverage to calm my nerves?
All this going through my head as I have to hold a conversation!!!
It is all way to overwhelming to deal with. I have had two guys ask me out this week. I thought I was going to throw up! It is all way too much to deal with. I wish it could be simple. I wish I didn't over think things. I wish it could just happen...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Am I Crazy?
Ok before you answer that question so quickly let me explain why I am asking this question.
When you first meet a guy part of the fun in the beginning is the flirting that happens, right? I understand that I am a flirt and I love to flirt, but still there should be some flirting, right?
Well much to my dismay I have joined Match, to try and find a guy, I guess. There are a couple of guys that I am talking too, and I may not know a whole lot about them, but we are having fun conversations. There is flirting going on and it is just fun. Then there is this guy that I am talking to and its just not fun! I know a lot about him, because he feels the need to tell me everything. He tells me what he has done so far during the day, everything he is going to do tomorrow, and what he is going to do when he is done typing the email. Its not fun. Should it be?
Shouldn't it start off fun and light? Not having to know everything someone is doing all the time. Am I wrong?
Today he asked me out for dinner. I don't know how I feel about this. I know nothing bad is going to happen, but haven't had fun "talking" are we going to have fun going out to dinner? It has been very formal emailing back and forth. And yes, you should find out about the other person, but I feel like you should have fun getting to know each other. I am just not having fun.
Am I crazy for thinking it should be fun? Or is this what is happening these days?
Friday, September 2, 2011
So you will come to learn that I love quotes. There is possibly a quote out there for anything that I am going through, that explains what I am feeling or thinking a hundred times better then I can say it.
Here is the quote that has me thinking today, it's from Sex and the City...
"Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?"
When I heard this one I laughed out loud. I really think that this describes me right now. OK before I continue I don't want you to think that I am slut hahahaha. I'm not!! I don't go around sleeping with all these different guys - but I am having fun. LOL
I sat there and thought about this. I have met some really nice guys lately that are relationship worthy. But for some reason, I can't get myself to the point where I could see myself in a relationship with the guy. And they are really great guys, good looking, sweet, funny, easy to talk to - you know all the things a gal looks for in a guy. But I hear the word relationship and I back off. Why is that? All I have ever wanted was to meet a great guy, fall in love, get married, have a family and grow old together. Now that I have these opportunities and meeting these great guys, I can't get myself to open up to the whole relationship thing.
Is it because I really don't want to be in a relationship? Is it because I am afraid of putting myself out there to only get hurt? Is it because I am too picky? Is it because I am afraid that, it means I am old? Is it because I know that these guys aren't for me and I don't want to be in a relationship, just to be in one? I have no idea! I can't seem to figure it out. But I do know that I need to figure out my problem soon.
Maybe I am just romantically challenged...
Maybe I am having way to much fun doing my own thing right now. Maybe I like being able to flirt with guys and not have to worry about what my significant other thinks. Maybe I don't want to waste time with people that I feel aren't for me. Maybe I don't want to go through the whole dating thing just to find out - this guy is the person I thought he was when I met him. Maybe I am just having too much fun in my life right now. I don't know.
Maybe, I am a slut...
Monday, August 29, 2011
For Father's Day and our dad's birthday this year, my sisters and
I got our family tickets to a Mets game. We used to go all the time, but as we all got older it became harder to go as a family. So we decided that we were going again this year.
We had so much fun! I haven't been to City Field yet and it is awesome. I really hope that we get to go again, next year.
Here are some pictures from our outing. :-)

City Field is so pretty - my sisters and I
This is my future husband David Wright... He is Mr. Wright :-)
My sisters and I with the original Apple from Shea Stadium.
My sister Jacquie and my Dad sitting in seats from Shea Stadium.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Everyone has a type right? Well I am not sure what my type is. I like a lot of things about a lot of different guys. This is a good thing and a bad thing. But I sure know what kind of males I can attract.
1. I attract gay men. I have been proposed too by 3 gay men in the last year. Don't get me wrong I feel really loved that they want to spend the rest of their life with me, but I don't want to be married to someone who really wants to be with another guy. Its not like these guys didn't know they were gay, because they were all openly gay. One of them even went so far as to ask my father for permission. Of course my father gave us his blessing. SUPER. Thanks dad.
2. I attract teenage autistic kids. This is quite the talent let me tell you! I can get a teenage autistic kid to fall in love with me like that (pretend I snapped my fingers). They have asked for my phone number, tried to look up my skirt, they wanted to cuff me so they could love me, they want to hang on me, they play with my hair, and they want to hold my hand. I am sure that you are all thinking that I am just making this up and that they do this to a lot of people at the school. But I assure you, they don't. I am pretty sure that is why I am not working with the high schoolers again this year, they realized that I got hit on at least once a day by the boys. hahaha They make me feel really loved, but I am pretty sure nothing can come of all this flirting. hahahaha SUPER!
3. Crazy/Emotionally unavailable/ Odd/Weird - Do I really need to explain these people? I can find them really easily. They do come along with really great stories, but they just end up giving me a headache. I need to find a way to not attract these guys. Maybe I can find some spray, repellant, perfume, SOMETHING to keep them away!
4. Little boys under the age of 4/5. I am not sure how I pull this one off, but they love me. I guess I am just that much fun! I have been many a little boys first crush. It is really very cute, but again not helpful in life!
It is really a shame that these are the types of males I attract. None of them are going to help me out in life. I need to figure out a way to attract males my age, that are "normal", and that don't want to be with other males. Is that really too much to ask for?? :sigh:
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Plan B
Life is All About How You Handle Plan B.
Plan A is always my first choice. You know, the one where everything works out to be happily ever-after. But more often than not, I find myself dealing with the upside - down, inside - out version, where nothing goes as it should. It's at this point that the real test of my character comes in... do I sink, or do I swim? Do I wallow in self-pity and play the victim or simply shift gears and make the best of the situation? The choice is all mine... life is all about how you handle Plan B.
I am sure this happens to everyone. You plan your life out, and that is the way you think it is all going to work out. I was going to go to college, meet the guy of my dreams, we were going to have an amazing relationship. After college I was going to get a great teaching job, and I was going to marry my boyfriend from college. Then a couple of years later we would start our wonderful family. No doubt that by the time I was going to be 29 I would have already had 2-3 kids.
That was Plan A.
I went to college (check). I did not meet the guy of my dreams. I did make some of the most amazing friends in the world. But I didn't meet the man I was going to marry. When I graduated college I wasn't sure that teaching was for me. So I got a corporate world job. I HATED THE JOB!! It has taken me a while to find a job that I love, but I did. I am going to be 29 in December, and I am still single, and obviously no kids.
I am on to Plan B, C, D and E.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life. I am enjoying myself immensely! I have wonderful friends that help me get through everything, and a very supportive family. Its just not where I thought I would be. I am sure I will meet the man of my dreams at some point, and it will have been worth the wait!
So for now I will just stick with Plan B, C, D, E, F, G....
Monday, August 22, 2011
More Boys I Meet...
I am not sure why this happens. I am not sure how I became so lucky in life. I am not sure if I have a sign over my head, or if I send off a certain sent, but I am really good at attracting crazy guys!
I am not talking about the kind of guys that just like to go out and act wild and crazy. I am not talking about the guys that get crazy over sports even. I am talking the kind of crazy where they send you a text message one night - after only meeting you TWO times, and talking occasionally- stating the fact that they are 'just texting to say I love you'. SUPER! I mean I know I am fabulous and all, but I am not sure you know me well enough to love me. It took me awhile to figure out how to respond to that one.
Then there was the guy that I went out with on one date. We went bowling - his choice. We get there and he starts to complain that he has to wear the bowling shoes. I mean come on now, we are bowling - you know you have to wear the ugly shoes! Fine, we get the shoes and start bowling. He then starts complaining that he is a terrible bowler. I had to keep telling him that if he was a terrible bowler then I had to be an awful bowler - because he was beating me - by a lot!! After a very long hour and a half of bowling - and him complaining - I decide that it is time to end this horrible date. I offer to pay, he tells me not to worry about it. I thank him and after a VERY awkward good-bye, leave. I am telling my friend the next day about the bad date and I get a text message from this guy telling me how he had an amazing time and he wants to get together again. He was obviously on a different date then I was! So I think of how to tell this guy, in the nicest way possible, that he is a nice guy but I don't think there was a connection. I wish him luck in finding the girl for him, and thank him again for the date the night before. It took him a while to understand what I was telling him. Once he understood what I was saying, he went off on how stupid girls are and this is why he doesn't like to date. He then sent me a text stating, ' I wish I never met you. I would be $50 richer'. Classy. And he wonders why he is still single...
See I attract the crazy ones! These are just 2 of my many amusing stories.
Carrie Underwood has a song called 'More Boys I Meet' - it really reminds me of my life! Part of the song goes like this:
"It's not like I'm not trying
'Cause I'll give anyone a shot once
And I close my eyes
And I kiss that frog
Each time finding
The more boys I meet the more I love me dog"
The more crazies I meet - the more I really do love my dog!!
Here is the video of the song if you would like to hear the whole song. It really is a good song.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
One of my favorite things...
This is the post that I wrote for Mandy's blog... enjoy!
When Mandy asked if anyone would be willing to write a post for her blog while she was on vacation, I decided it would be something fun to do. I thought for awhile I could write about. I don't have kids, I'm not married, and I am single. So that rules out writing about kids, husbands or boyfriends. I thought about telling you stories about some of the crazy men I have gone out with, but I think they would be better if you knew more about me.
So I thought some more about what I could write about. I finally came up with the PERFECT topic. I decided to talk about one of my favorite things in the world. Something I could never live without. Something that I could never live without. Something that I turn to no matter what mood I am in. Something that makes me SO HAPPY.
I love chocolate. I love the way it smells when you open the wrapper. I love the way it melts in your mouth when you take a bite out of it. I love how when I am in a bad mood I can get a piece of chocolate and for the couple of minutes it takes me to eat the chocolate, everything is ok.
There is one thing that I don't like about chocolate. I don't like that when I eat the chocolate, I know that it is going to go directly to my stomach. But I forgive the chocolate for what it does to me. I think the pros out way the cons.
This weekend I went to heaven. I went to Hershey Park. The world of chocolate. I have to admit the park itself wasn't all that exciting. The lines were long and took forever to move. It was fun to walk around and see all the park has to offer, but I didn't enjoy the long lines. But Hershey's Chocolate World was fabulous!
There I got to create my own chocolate bar. If you were wondering, mine was milk chocolate with raspberry, cookie dough and chocolate chips in it. Oh and sprinkles on top! We took a tour of how Hershey's make their chocolate. I didn't realize how much work it was to make chocolate bars! And then we went to the "store". They had clothing, candles (that smelt like chocolate), chap stick (that also smelt like different candies), magnets and much more. Then w moved on to the chocolate section. There you could buy any candy that Hershey makes. The had HUGE boxes of chocolate!! They even had a 5 pound bar of chocolate. It took all that I had to not buy it. But I did buy a 1 pound bar of chocolate. How could I not - it was only $5!! It was a deal!
I did eat a lot of chocolate that day. But I felt as if I had too. I was in Hershey PA after all!! For me, Hershey could be the happiest place on earth! Well it might be a tie with the shoe department... but that is another blog for another day.
I found this quote on reasons to eat chocolate and thought I would share it. Incase you needed more reasons why it is TOTALLY ok to eat chocolate whenever you want.
Reasons to Eat Chocolate
Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of chocolate. If it's not chocolate, it's not breakfast. The calories of chocolate are reduced to zero if NO one sees you eat it. Chocolate can't solve all your problems, but it sure makes you feel better about them. The taste of rice cakes significantly improves when dipped in rich, dark, chocolate. Forget about love... it's a lot more fun to fall in chocolate. Friends are the chocolate chips of life. No one's last words were ever "I'd wish I'd eaten less CHOCOLATE". And now they say chocolate is good for us. So there you go... it's a green light, a legitimate excuse from God to eat all the chocolate you want.
-- Suzy Toronto
Here we go again!
I have decided that it is time to once again blog. I was writing a post for a friend that was going on vacation and while thinking about what I could write about realized I have some funny stories to share with everyone. So lets see if I can really do it this time!
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